File3dmLayerTable ================= .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: File3dmLayerTable .. py:method:: __len__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: __getitem__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: __iter__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: Add(layer) [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: AddLayer(name, color) Easy way to add a new layer to the model. :param str name: Layer name. :param System.Drawing.Color color: Layer color. :return: The layer's index (>=0) is returned. Otherwise, RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex is returned. :rtype: int .. py:method:: FindName(name, parentId) Finds a Layer given its name. :param str name: The name of the Layer to be searched. :param Guid parentId: The id of the parent Layer to be searched. :return: A Layer, or None on error. :rtype: Layer .. py:method:: FindIndex(index) Retrieves a Layer object based on Index. This search type of search is discouraged. We are moving towards using only IDs for all tables. :param int index: The index to search for. :return: A Layer object, or None if none was found. :rtype: Layer .. py:method:: FindId(id) [todo] add documentation