Cylinder ======== .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: Cylinder .. py:method:: Cylinder(baseCircle) Constructs a new cylinder with infinite height. :param Circle baseCircle: Base circle for infinite cylinder. .. py:method:: Cylinder(baseCircle, height) Constructs a new cylinder with a finite height. :param Circle baseCircle: Base circle for cylinder. :param float height: Height of cylinder (zero for infinite cylinder). .. py:attribute:: IsValid bool: Gets a boolean value indicating whether this cylinder is valid. A valid cylinder is represented by a valid circle and two valid heights. .. py:attribute:: IsFinite bool: True if the cylinder is finite (Height0 != Height1) False if the cylinder is infinite. .. py:attribute:: Center rhino3dm.Point3d: Gets the center point of the defining circle. .. py:attribute:: Axis rhino3dm.Vector3d: Gets the axis direction of the cylinder. .. py:attribute:: TotalHeight float: Gets the height of the cylinder. Infinite cylinders have a height of zero, not Double.PositiveInfinity. .. py:attribute:: Height1 float: Gets or sets the start height of the cylinder. The center of bottom cap is: BasePlane.Origin + Height1 * BasePlane.ZAxis. .. py:attribute:: Height2 float: Gets or sets the end height of the cylinder. If the end height equals the start height, the cylinder is presumed to be infinite. The center of top cap is: BasePlane.Origin + Height2 * BasePlane.ZAxis. .. py:attribute:: Radius float: Gets or sets the radius of the cylinder. .. py:method:: CircleAt(linearParameter) Compute the circle at the given elevation parameter. :param float linearParameter: Height parameter for circle section. :rtype: Circle .. py:method:: ToBrep(capBottom, capTop) Constructs a Brep representation of this Cylinder. This is synonymous with calling NurbsSurface.CreateFromCylinder(). :param bool capBottom: If true, the bottom of the cylinder will be capped. :param bool capTop: If true, the top of the cylinder will be capped. :return: A Brep representation of the cylinder or null. :rtype: rhino3dm.Brep .. py:method:: ToNurbsSurface() Constructs a Nurbs surface representation of this cylinder. This is synonymous with calling NurbsSurface.CreateFromCylinder(). :return: A Nurbs surface representation of the cylinder or null. :rtype: NurbsSurface