BrepFace ======== .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: BrepFace .. py:attribute:: OrientationIsReversed bool: True if face orientation is opposite of natural surface orientation. .. py:method:: UnderlyingSurface() Gets the untrimmed surface that is the base of this face. :return: A surface, or None on error. :rtype: rhino3dm.Surface .. py:method:: CreateExtrusion(pathCurve, cap) Extrude a face in a Brep. :param rhino3dm.Curve pathCurve: The path to extrude along. Note, the direction of the extrusion will follow the direction of the curve. :param bool cap: If true, the extrusion is capped with a translation of the face being extruded :return: A Brep on success or None on failure. :rtype: rhino3dm.Brep .. py:method:: DuplicateFace(duplicateMeshes) Duplicate a face from the brep to create new single face brep. :param bool duplicateMeshes: If true, shading meshes will be copied as well. :return: A new single-face brep synonymous with the current Face. :rtype: rhino3dm.Brep .. py:method:: DuplicateSurface() Gets a copy to the untrimmed surface that this face is based on. :return: A copy of this face's underlying surface. :rtype: rhino3dm.Surface .. py:method:: GetMesh(meshType) Obtains a reference to a specified type of mesh for this brep face. :param MeshType meshType: The mesh type. :return: A mesh. :rtype: rhino3dm.Mesh .. py:method:: SetMesh(mesh, meshType) Sets a reference to a specified type of mesh for this brep face. :param MeshType meshType: The mesh type. :param rhino3dm.Mesh mesh: The new mesh. :return: True if the operation succeeded; otherwise false. :rtype: bool